Out of 800 Illegal Houses on DTCP List, Only 150 are Sealed—Gurugram

Out of 800 Illegal Houses on DTCP List, Only 150 are Sealed—Gurugram
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 22-Sep-2023 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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Residents raised their voices against DTCP’s action to seal 150 houses out of 800 illegal houses.

The Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) is the one who is in charge of planned constructions and developments in the area. DTCP is also responsible for stopping illegal development in any location under its administration.

Approximately 800 constructions in Gurugram were on the list of illegal developments, and DTCP sealed 150 houses among these, leaving the residents with questions. Residents in these areas complain that they have not taken action properly, and illegal constructions are still unchecked in the U and V blocks of DLF 3.

Surendra Singh, a resident in this area, said, “Carrying out unauthorized construction beyond permissible limits on residential plots is causing undue pressure on essential amenities and infrastructure services. It’s a nuisance and poses a security threat for the neighbours."

Several residents came forward by saying that only a few buildings were sealed or given notices. However, no fixed measures were taken, and now the residents are planning to complain to the Chief Minister and the Chief of DTCP to take strict actions in this matter.

A survey was done in 2021, and DTCP found approximately 1,000 constructions in almost 3 blocks of DLF 3 that were illegal, and these buildings breached sanctioned construction plans. According to the data, 800 among these 1000 were located in some licensed colonies. The holders of these constructions were done on the lands already assigned for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS), and the owners even constructed several floors on these buildings.