Incompletion of CZMP May Lead to Halt to Project Development in the Coastal Regions of Goa

Incompletion of CZMP May Lead to Halt to Project Development in the Coastal Regions of Goa
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 29-Aug-2023 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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According to the National Coastal Zone Management Authority (NCZMA), every Coastal States and Union Territories must finalise CZMPs within 2 months.

India has a coastline of approximately 7,516 kilometres, and these coastal areas have grown as a significant part of economic growth and the development of real estate properties. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) governs any development activity across the coastal areas to protect their fragile nature near the sea.

In 2019, the Union Environment Ministry passed the Coastal Regulation Zone notification. The NCZMA has updated that all the coastal states and Union Territories yet to finalise their CZMP per CRZ Notification 2019 must do it by October this year. According to the notification by the Government, every state and Union Territories with coastal areas must update their CZMP.

The Centre also notified that every project ongoing in these areas must be appraised as per the updated CZMP by the Government.

According to a senior official, there has been no progress on the notification, which will probably lead to the state government’s failure to meet the deadline.

So, on 1 August 2023, the Union Government made a deadline of 2 months to complete the CZMP. If the Government of Goa fails to finalise the CZMP by October 2023, the projects located along the coastal areas will be stopped!