The fortunate woman, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, has gone from being a Bollywood diva to a global celebrity. After being crowned the Miss World at eighteen, she became one of the highest-paid actors, making a prominent mark in Bollywood and Hollywood. She owns affluent homes and mansions in some of the well-known cities in the US and India.
In addition, the Indian actress, model, singer, and producer has gorgeous homes in New York, Los Angeles, and other cities. Even though she no longer lives in India, she still owns a bungalow in Mumbai.
In West London, Priyanka has made herself a lovely home, which reflects her personality. It boasts many large open spaces, a stunning backyard, and many picturesque areas.
Priyanka's living room is tastefully decorated in mahogany and beige. This room includes a fireplace, cosy couches, and much more. The dominant white sofa adds to the charismatic look and brings the feeling of cosiness.
The living room feels cosier thanks to the tall glass window framed with lighter wood tones bringing in warm yellow lighting. Furthermore, the beautiful light-wood furniture completes the space.
The interiors of Priyanka's expansive home blend with the greenery of the outdoors. She is frequently seen enjoying the infrequent London sun on her deck. The room leading to the balcony has many grey shades, yet it doesn't feel depressing.
The splash of green and glass walls that let in the natural light lend a unique touch to the space. The area appears to have been designed with a good, lazy life in mind. Following the exterior glass palisades, plants have been scattered all over the wooden floor. They are either potted or are growing on the lawn.
During the lockdown months, Priyanka conducted business from her office at this home. She did her interviews and launched her books here. This office boosts an all-wooden aesthetic and evokes the feeling of a lounge.
The fireplace beneath the television adds a perfect warmth and elegance. The brown hues of the walls, floor, and furnishings infuse a touch of homeliness and formality to this space.
Priyanka's dining room showcases an array of white and brown shades that perfectly complement her home's primary colour. A white sofa stands beside the fireplace, with a rich mahogany wooden shelf in the foreground. An opulent chandelier adds a royal touch to the room, enhancing its elegance. The birch-coloured wooden dining table and chairs serve as a focal point, completing the atmosphere of the room.
The backyard features a patch of shimmering lush grass, providing ample space for her dogs to play. Divided by shrubs adorned with white flowers, it creates a picturesque scene in the area.
The white stone pavement and steps lead to the patio, where meals and informal get-togethers with family are organised. The backyard also features a wooden table and cane chairs to offer a nice spot for relaxation.
Priyanka's TV room is designed like a cabinet. It is hidden behind doors made of wood that matches the colour of the wall. The warm white carpet, crisscrossing wires, and cream-coloured sofas lining the walls offer a relaxed vibe. Additionally, layers of yellow lightning encrusted on the white ceiling perfectly complement the grey walls.
Right after their marriage, Priyanka and Nick Jonas purchased the home of their dreams in Los Angeles, tucked away in Encino's hilly neighbourhood. This 20,000 sq ft mansion has seven bedrooms. It features high ceilings, a sizable outdoor area, an exquisite infinity pool and a sizable backyard with a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills.
As per reports, A record-breaking $20 Million was spent on Priyanka's mansion. That is Rs. 144 Crore in Indian currency
Priyanka's Mumbai apartment in Andheri West faces the sea and offers a lovely view from its oval-shaped outdoor balcony. As per the reports, the house costs around Rs. 7 Crore. Its large living area consists of several cosy nooks and corners. The apartment houses a dedicated corner embellished with a black bookshelf containing her favourite books, magazines, and numerous awards. It also holds several trinkets and curios.
The dining area features white and purple armchairs and a circular wooden table that gives out a European vibe. The apartment has a picture-perfect old-world swing with carved pillars and a mirror on the balcony's green garden walls.