Exploring the Vastu Tips for Right Almirah Direction at Home

Exploring the Vastu Tips for Right Almirah Direction at Home
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 29-Dec-2023 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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Vastu Shastra places significant emphasis on creating wholesome living spaces that align with natural forces. One crucial aspect of Vastu is the placement of furniture and objects within a home, and the direction of an almirah (wardrobe) holds particular importance. The belief is that adhering to Vastu principles can enhance positive energy flow and overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide to almirah direction as per Vastu, we will look into the details of aligning your almirah with Vastu principles, providing practical insights to create a balanced and positive living environment.

What is the Vastu for Almirah Direction?

According to Vastu Shastra, placing an almirah within a home plays a crucial role in channelling positive energy. Ideally, the almirah should be positioned in the south or southwest direction of the bedroom. This is believed to enhance stability, promote financial well-being, and contribute to a restful atmosphere. Ensuring that the almirah opens towards the south or east is advisable, allowing easy access while aligning with favourable energy flows.

Additionally, one should avoid placing the almirah in the northeast, north, or east direction, which is considered unsuitable per Vastu principles. Placing the almirah in these areas may disrupt the harmonious balance of energies within the living space.

Importance of Right Almirah Direction as per Vastu

The right direction of an almirah holds paramount importance in Vastu Shastra as it directly influences the flow of energy within a living space. Placing the almirah in alignment with Vastu principles, such as the southwest or south direction, is believed to attract positive energies, promoting stability and financial well-being. Conversely, incorrect placement, such as in the northeast or southeast, may disrupt the harmonious balance and impact the overall positive aura of the home. The significance lies in creating an environment that resonates with positive vibrations, contributing to a sense of harmony, prosperity, and well-rounded living.

Right Almirah Directions for Different Bedroom Directions as per Vastu

In Vastu Shastra, understanding the ideal placement of the almirah based on the bedroom's orientation can contribute to a peaceful living environment. Here's a guide to help you position your almirah according to different bedroom directions.

  1. East-facing Bedroom

    For bedrooms facing east, placing the almirah on the south or east wall is recommended. Ensure the almirah opens towards the south or east to enhance positive energy flow and vitality.

  2. West-facing Bedroom

    In west-facing bedrooms, position the almirah on the south or west wall. To align with Vastu principles, have the almirah open towards the south or west to attract prosperity and gains.

  3. North-facing Bedroom

    For bedrooms facing north, it is advisable to place the almirah on the west or north wall. Orient the almirah to open towards the south to promote financial stability and career growth.

  4. South-facing Bedroom

    In south-facing bedrooms, the ideal placement for the Aamirah is on the south or west wall. Ensure the almirah opens towards the south or east to maintain positive energy within the room.

  5. Northeast-facing Bedroom

    Always place the almirah in the southwest corner while placing one in the northeast-facing bedroom. Maintaining a light and open atmosphere in this direction is also crucial.

  6. Southeast-facing Bedroom

    Position the almirah in the southeast-facing bedroom on the south or east wall. To align with Vastu, have the almirah open towards the south or east to encourage a dynamic and creative environment.

  7. Northwest-facing Bedroom

    In bedrooms facing northwest, consider placing the almirah on the north or west wall. Ensure the almirah opens towards the west for positive social interactions and gains.

  8. Southwest-facing Bedroom

    For southwest-facing bedrooms, the almirah is best placed on the south or west wall. Orient it to open towards the west to harness stability, prosperity, and overall well-being.

5 Must-know Vastu Principles for the Almirah Direction in Bedroom

Within the principles of Vastu Shastra, the bedroom is regarded as a sacred space where the placement of essential elements, including the almirah, holds significant importance over the energy that permeates the room.

Right Direction

Choosing the right direction for your almirah is fundamental in Vastu. Placing the almirah in the southwest or south is recommended for stability and financial growth. The southwest is associated with grounding energy, contributing to a sense of security. To optimise these benefits, ensure the almirah doors open towards the south or east, harmonising with the natural flow of energy within the room.


Vastu places emphasis on the use of specific materials for furniture, and the almirah is no exception. Opting for wooden almirahs aligns with the earth element, symbolising growth and harmony. The choice of natural materials contributes to a grounded atmosphere, fostering a sense of balance and tranquillity within the bedroom.

Financial Growth

The strategic placement of the almirah is believed to influence financial aspects positively. Placing it in the south or southwest direction is thought to attract financial stability and growth. This alignment is believed to resonate with the energies associated with wealth and abundance, creating an environment conducive to financial prosperity for the occupants.

Impact Of Mirrors

Mirrors play a significant role in Vastu considerations for the almirah. Placing mirrors on the northern or eastern side of the almirah is considered auspicious, reflecting positive energies into the room. Conversely, mirrors on the southern or western side are discouraged, as they may disrupt the natural balance of energy within the bedroom, potentially leading to disturbances in sleep and overall well-being.

An Oasis Of Positivity

By integrating a few Vastu principles, your bedroom becomes an oasis of positivity. The aligned almirah, crafted from composed elements, positioned for financial growth, and mindful of mirror placements, transforms your personal space into a serene haven. This approach to Vastu aims to nurture not just physical comfort but also emotional well-being, fostering a positive and rejuvenating environment within the bedroom.

Vastu Tips for Almirah Direction

You can enhance the energy of your living space with Vastu Shastra tips for Almirah placement. Optimise prosperity, positivity, and financial growth by following these guidelines.

  1. Placing in the southwest direction for prosperity

    Align your almirah in the southwest direction for stability and enhanced financial well-being. This positioning is believed to attract positive energy, fostering prosperity and abundance in your home.

  2. Neutral and earthy shades radiate positivity:

    Choose neutral and earthy shades for your almirah to radiate positive vibes. Colours like beige, brown, or olive contribute to a harmonious atmosphere, promoting a sense of balance and tranquillity.

  3. Keeping money and jewellery in the north section of the almirah for financial growth:

    Safeguard your finances by placing money and jewellery in the North section of the almirah. According to Vastu, this placement is believed to stimulate financial growth and stability in your life.

  4. Placing the almirah on a levelled floor:

    Ensure your almirah is placed on a levelled floor to maintain equilibrium. A stable and balanced foundation is essential for the positive flow of energy, contributing to a harmonious living environment.

Ideal Almirah Direction as per Vastu

When it comes to almirah placement, consider these ideal directions as per Vastu for a harmonious living space.

West Direction

Placing your almirah in the Western direction holds significance in Vastu philosophy. This positioning is believed to invite positive energy associated with creativity and innovation. It aligns with the setting sun, symbolising a sense of fulfilment and bringing a harmonious atmosphere to the living space. By choosing this direction, you not only organise your belongings but also contribute to a positive and creative ambience.

Southwest Direction

The southwest direction is considered auspicious for almirah placement, emphasising stability and prosperity. When positioned here, the almirah is believed to enhance financial well-being and security within the household. This direction is associated with the Earth element, signifying a strong foundation for growth. Placing your almirah in the southwest can be a strategic step in fostering stability and creating a sense of lasting prosperity in your home.

South Direction

For a balanced flow of energy, the south direction is a favourable choice for your almirah. This orientation is linked with social connections and networking. Placing the almirah here is believed to contribute to a supportive and positive environment within the home, promoting healthy relationships and interactions. The south direction's energy is considered dynamic, making it an ideal placement for an almirah that serves both practical and social purposes in your living space.

Almirah Directions to Avoid as per Vastu

According to Vastu principles, it's essential to be mindful of certain almirah placements. Discover the directions to avoid when situating your almirah to ensure a balanced and positive energy flow in your home.

East Direction

Placing your almirah in the east direction is cautioned against in Vastu. The East is associated with the sunrise and the air element, representing new beginnings and freshness. Having an almirah in this direction might disrupt the flow of this positive energy, potentially hindering the sense of renewal and vitality that the east symbolises.

North Direction

Vastu suggests avoiding the north direction for your almirah. The north is considered the direction of wealth and prosperity. Placing an almirah here may disrupt the natural flow of financial energy, potentially impacting the household's financial stability. It's advisable to keep this direction free from heavy furniture like an almirah to maintain the positive flow of prosperity.

Northeast Direction

The northeast direction is particularly sensitive in Vastu, associated with spirituality and the divine. Placing an almirah in this direction is discouraged as it might obstruct the flow of positive energies and divine blessings. This direction is considered sacred, and maintaining its purity is essential for overall well-being. Avoiding an almirah in the northeast is a step towards preserving the sanctity of this space.


The central area of the house is considered a powerful energy hub in Vastu. Placing an almirah in the central part of your home is discouraged, as it may disrupt the free flow of energy. The centre symbolises balance and harmony, and placing heavy furniture like an almirah could disturb this equilibrium. It's advisable to keep the central space open and unobstructed for a more balanced and positive living environment.

Ideal Direction of Almirah Door as per Vastu

Ensuring that every aspect of your home aligns with Vastu principles contributes to a positive and balanced living environment. Delve into the ideal directions for placing the door of your almirah according to Vastu to optimise energy flow and harmony in your personal space.

East Direction

According to Vastu, placing the door of your almirah in the east direction is considered auspicious. The east is associated with the rising sun and the element of air, symbolising new beginnings and freshness. By aligning the door of your almirah with this direction, you invite positive energy, fostering a sense of renewal and vitality. This placement is believed to contribute to a harmonious atmosphere within your living space, promoting a smooth and optimistic start to each day.

South Direction

The south direction is another favourable choice for the door of your almirah as per Vastu guidelines. This direction is associated with stability and prosperity, and having the almirah door facing south is believed to enhance financial well-being. It symbolises strength and support, creating a sense of security within the household. By opting for the South direction, you not only organise your belongings efficiently but also contribute to the overall stability and prosperity of your home.

Almirah Direction as per Vastu: Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Ideal directions for almirah placement are south and southwest, believed to bring stability and prosperity to your home.
  2. Ensure the almirah sits on a levelled floor to maintain stability and balance, contributing to a harmonious living environment.
  3. Opt for neutral and earthy colours for the almirah to radiate positive vibes and create a balanced, calming atmosphere.
  4. If possible, position the almirah in the southwest for enhanced financial well-being and a sense of security within the household.
  5. Place money and jewellery in the north section of the almirah to stimulate financial growth, following Vastu principles.
  6. Align the door of the almirah with either the east or south direction for an auspicious and harmonious entry point, enhancing positive energy flow.
  7. Ensure that the doors and hinges of the almirah are in good condition, as broken or squeaky components may bring negative energy.

Almirah Direction as per Vastu: Things to Avoid

  1. Avoid placing the almirah in the east or north directions, as it may disrupt the positive energy associated with new beginnings.
  2. Avoid placing the almirah in the sensitive northeast direction to preserve the flow of positive energies and divine blessings.
  3. Do not position the almirah in the central part of your home, as it may disturb the balance and harmony associated with this powerful energy hub.
  4. Avoid disorganised placement of items in the almirah, as clutter can disrupt positive energy flow in your home.
  5. Avoid positioning the doors of the almirah facing south or west, as it may interfere with the intended energy flow, according to Vastu principles.

Vastu Tips for Almirah for Peace and Prosperity at Home

Transform your living space into a haven of peace and prosperity by incorporating Vastu tips for your almirah. From strategic placement to mindful organisation, these tips aim to create a positive energy flow within your home.

Choosing the Ideal Placement

Selecting the perfect spot for your almirah is crucial for positive energy flow and fortune in your life. In the bedroom, place it in the southwest or west direction to bring stability and nurture love between couples. Avoid placing it in the northeast corner. In the living room, position the almirah in the southwest or northwest direction to attract prosperity. Ensure it doesn't obstruct the natural flow of movement in the room.

Opening Directions

The direction in which your almirah opens impacts energy flow. In the bedroom, have the doors open towards the east or south for a positive environment and good sleep. In the living room, keep the almirah doors opening in the southwest or northwest direction to foster a harmonious atmosphere. Avoid having the doors open towards the main entrance.

Mirror Placement for Amplifying Energy

Mirrors play a powerful role in Vastu Shastra. Avoid placing mirrors on the outside of your almirah, as it can create restlessness. If you include a mirror inside, place it on the door's inner side to attract positive energy and amplify the room's ambience. Avoid mirrors facing the bed in the bedroom.

Inside the Almirah

Keep the inside clutter-free to facilitate positive energy flow. Discard unnecessary items and organise your belongings systematically. Arrange frequently used items towards the front for easy access. This practice not only creates order but also allows for smooth energy flow.

Colour and Material

Wooden almirahs are recommended as they represent natural elements, providing warmth and grounding energy. Choose sturdy and durable wood or iron. Opt for light or earthy tones like brown, beige, or white to create a calming environment. Avoid dark or bright colours that may disrupt energy flow.

Size and Shape

Select an almirah with clean, straight lines for a sense of order and stability. Avoid irregular or curved shapes, as they can disrupt energy flow and create unease. Stick to symmetrical and balanced shapes for a serene environment.

Safety and Maintenance

Regularly inspect the almirah for loose fittings, hinges, or sharp edges. A well-maintained almirah enhances room energy and ensures the longevity of your belongings. Allow proper ventilation by keeping space between the back of the almirah and the wall for fresh energy flow and to prevent stagnant energy accumulation.


This comprehensive guide highlights the significance of Almirah's direction in Vastu, emphasising peace and positive energy flow in your living space.

Vastu Shastra for almirah direction:

Aligning your almirah with the cardinal directions is crucial in Vastu Shastra. It ensures a harmonious energy flow in your living space, promoting positivity and well-being.

Importance of the right direction of the almirah as per Vastu:

Placing the almirah in the correct direction, like south and southwest, enhances positive energy flow in your home. It influences various aspects of life, from financial growth to overall well-being.

Guide to almirah direction in the home as per Vastu:

The ideal placement of an almirah is crucial in fostering a harmonious living environment according to Vastu principles. East and northeast-facing positions are discouraged, favouring south, and southwest directions for balance, creativity, stability, and financial prosperity. Mindful placement aligns with positive energy flow, encouraging spiritual growth and overall well-being in the household.

Right direction of almirah for different bedroom directions:

Aligning your almirah with Vastu principles based on your bedroom's direction can significantly impact the energy and harmony in your living space. Whether it's promoting vitality in an east-facing bedroom, attracting prosperity in the west, fostering financial stability in the north, maintaining positivity in the south, nurturing spirituality in the northeast, encouraging creativity in the southeast, promoting social interactions in the northwest, or ensuring overall well-being in the southwest – the right placement enhances the holistic balance of energies for a peaceful and prosperous home.

5 Must-know Vastu principles for the almirah direction in bedroom

Choosing the right direction, such as southwest or south, fosters stability and financial growth, while aligning the almirah doors with the south or east optimises energy flow. Emphasising natural elements like wood aligns with Vastu's earth element, promoting balance. Strategic placement in the south or southwest is believed to enhance financial prosperity. Mindful mirror placement on the southern or western side ensures a reflective infusion of positive energy, ultimately transforming the bedroom into a serene haven of positivity and well-being.

Vastu Shastra tips for the almirah direction:

Positioning the almirah in the southwest direction fosters financial stability and prosperity. Opt for neutral and earthy colours to radiate positive energy. Enhance financial growth by placing money and jewellery in the north section of the almirah. Maintain balance and stability by ensuring the almirah is placed on a levelled floor.

Ideal almirah direction as per Vastu:

  • West Direction: Suitable for storage, ensuring stability and growth.
  • Southwest Direction: Promotes stability and financial prosperity.
  • South Direction: Ideal for constructing social relationships.

Almirah directions to avoid as per Vastu:

  • East Direction: Avoid placing the almirah in the east direction to maintain positive energy flow.
  • North Direction: Prevent placing the almirah in the north to avoid disrupting financial stability.
  • Northeast Direction: Avoid this direction for the almirah to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.
  • Centre: Placing the almirah in the centre may disturb the overall balance; it's best avoided.

The ideal direction of the almirah door as per Vastu:

  • East Direction: Placing the door in the east ensures a smooth and positive flow of energy.
  • South Direction: Doors facing south contribute to stability and financial prosperity.

Almirah direction as per Vastu: Things to keep in mind

Choose neutral and earthy colours for the almirah to cultivate a balanced and calming atmosphere. Position the almirah in the southwest to enhance financial well-being and foster a sense of security within the household. Additionally, align the door of the almirah with either the east or south direction for an auspicious and harmonious entry point, promoting positive energy flow.

Almirah's direction as per Vastu: Things to avoid:

Avoid clutter by ensuring items are neatly arranged, as disorganised placement can disrupt the flow of positive energy. In terms of placement, be mindful of the almirah's location within your home. Refrain from positioning it in the central part, as this may disturb the balance and harmony associated with this vital energy hub.

Vastu tips for the almirah for peace and prosperity at home:

Ensure smooth door openings to enhance energy flow and strategically place mirrors inside to amplify positivity. Thoughtful organisation of contents fosters order, while choosing calming colours and materials contributes to a peaceful atmosphere.


In Vastu Shastra, it's recommended to place the almirah (cupboard) in the southwest or south direction of the bedroom. This is believed to enhance prosperity and provide stability.

The direction of the almirah is crucial in Vastu as it's thought to influence the flow of energy in space. Following Vastu guidelines for the almirah's placement is believed to bring harmony and positive vibrations.

According to Vastu principles, the southwest or west directions are considered ideal for placing the almirah. This is believed to attract positive energy and create a balanced and harmonious environment.

The almirah should ideally face the south or east, according to Vastu. This is thought to enhance the positive energy flow and contribute to a more auspicious and favourable living space.

In a south-facing bedroom, it's recommended to place the almirah in the southwest direction according to Vastu principles. This is believed to bring stability and prosperity to the occupants.

In a west-facing house, Vastu advises placing the almirah in the southwest or northwest direction. This is believed to align with the energy flow and contribute positively to the living space.

Yes, the almirah can face northwest, according to Vastu. This is considered acceptable and is believed to have positive effects on the energy flow within the space.

Yes, facing the east is considered auspicious for the almirah in Vastu. Placing it in the east direction is believed to invite positive energy and promote a harmonious atmosphere in the room.

The ideal directions for almirahs in Vastu are southwest and west. Placing them in these directions is thought to enhance stability, prosperity, and overall positive energy in the living space.

The northeast direction is considered unfavourable for placing almirahs in Vastu. It's believed to disrupt the flow of positive energy and may lead to imbalances in the living space.

According to Vastu, placing the almirah in the wrong direction is believed to disrupt the energy flow in the space, potentially negatively affecting the occupants' well-being, stability, and prosperity.

To remedy the situation, reposition the almirah in a Vastu-compliant direction. Additionally, you can use Vastu tools, like crystals or mirrors, to balance the energy and mitigate any negative impacts caused by the initial placement.