Which plant is good for home?

Which plant is good for home?
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 20-Sep-2022 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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"My green thumb came only as an outcome of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view." — H. Fred Dale

A plant is one thing that provides you with all you desire throughout your lifetime, and it makes you realise that your existence would not be of value if the plants were not present. Planting trees is a good deed that one can follow in this contaminated world.

Plants greatly influence our lives. There wouldn't be any life existing on Earth without plants. There are currently between three and four lakh recognised plant species, and the number is growing. They give us a wide range of items to meet our daily needs, such as food to eat, air to breathe, clothing to cover our bodies, wood, medicine, shelter, and many more things for the good of humans. Since they are the primary producers, plants are the basis for all other life as we know it.

There are more than 400,000 different plant species in the world. All of these species are vital to maintaining life as we know it, and they are the ones that are best worked for your house. It is accomplished by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, absorbing carbon dioxide, and doing many other things to preserve the quality of the atmosphere.

Why should you keep plants in your home?

Keeping plants in your house not only helps you reduce stress, but plants also soothe and provide calm in life. The presence of vegetation nearby has a relaxing impact that lowers blood pressure, which makes you feel more at ease and ultimately happy. In addition to capturing dust particles, plants help degrade dangerous airborne pollutants, decreasing carbon dioxide and turning it into oxygen, among other things. A healthy humidity level also improves the air quality in your home. The presence of indoor plants is also something to consider for your health and well-being. Children who grow up around plants have a lesser risk of developing allergies.

Houseplants that cleanse the air improve the air quality and provide more oxygen in your bedroom. Plants have aesthetic value and provide calming effects that improve sleep. Additionally, plants guarantee a better mental condition by supplying uplifting energy and a greater sense of satisfaction.

Which plant is good for home?


The Tulsi, or holy basil, is one of the most potent, sacred, and auspicious good luck plants that increases happiness at home. It is not only an auspicious plant but also a medicinal plant. Tulsi also combats psychological stress by improving memory and cognitive function, as well as metabolic stress by normalisation of blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid levels, as well as metabolic stress through its anxiolytic and antidepressant characteristics.

Tulsi plant cultivation ties the grower to the generative forces of nature on a spiritual and practical level. Organic agriculture provides solutions for food security, rural poverty, hunger, environmental degradation, and climate change. The usage of tulsi in every day routines is a tribute to Ayurvedic expertise and illustrates how old wisdom may provide answers to contemporary issues.

Money plant

The well-liked money plant is known for bringing luck, positivity, and success to the neighbourhood. According to both Vastu and Feng Shui, money plants are advantageous to one's financial health. This air purifying plant is one of the greatest plants for energising the house since it improves oxygen flow and filters air. The money plants absorb the hazardous radiations emitted by household electronics. The plant reduces bedroom conflict and treats sleep issues.

Jade plant

The jade plant is known to be a lucky plant because of its little, rounded leaf. You can place this good luck plant for a home in the home or office since Feng Shui says that the jade plant represents luck and favourable positive energy. Jade represents rebirth and growth; the lucky plant's leaves resemble jade stones. However, experts advise not to put the jade plant in the restroom.

Jade plants can be brought home or started anytime from a nursery or by propagation. They are normally cultivated indoors because they demand a high temperature if they flourish outdoors. Pet owners should be cautious while choosing a suitable spot for a jade plant in their house.

Peace lily

Peace lilies are a wonderful plant for any space to improve air quality and promote serenity. According to Feng Shui, taking care of peace lilies helps to ward off evil spirits and promotes prosperity. This lucky plant is beneficial for emotional health since it draws positive energy. This lucky plant enhances energy flow throughout the house by purifying the air. It improves humidity levels, filters indoor air, and makes breathing easier. Additionally, it promotes restful sleep by absorbing airborne mould spores and typical allergies. These plants' aesthetic appeal is proven to encourage tranquillity by reducing stress-related sensations in the body and mind.

Neem tree

Neem trees, according to Vastu, are fortunate and foster positivity and a healthy environment. The Vedas referred to the Neem as Sarva roga nivarini because it had considerable therapeutic potential (the curer of all ailments). Neem trees effectively filter the air by absorbing contaminants.

This adaptable plant, indigenous to tropical India and Asia, is a useful tree with numerous applications. It is frequently used in shampoo, soap, lotion, and other personal care products as it is an effective insect repellent. The oil also works well as a fungicide against problems including sooty mould, black spots, and powdery mildew.

Tips for growing plants at home

Growing plants and gardening is therapy; it relaxes, soothes, and calms the person's mind. Here are a few tips that one should consider while caring for plants in their home.

  1. Choosing healthy plants.
  2. Choosing the correct spot with an accurate amount of light for the plant.
  3. Selecting the potting soil with due care and caution.
  4. Water them properly and according to the needs of the plant.
  5. Fertilising them will promote their well-being.
  6. Keeping a close eye on any pest that might intrude.
  7. Keeping a check on the humidity level.
  8. Groom, prune, and repot the plant as and when required.

You can astound your family and friends and make your home more beautiful by following this advice on growing and caring for plants. Always remember that the greatest indoor plants are the ones you enjoy growing and owning.

Benefits of keeping plants at home

The health benefits of plants are not a surprise. But what do they do? And how does that contribute to a healthier, happier environment at home? Here are ten good reasons to add extra plants to your house.

  1. Plants reduce stress
  2. Plants in the home can cure blocked noses
  3. Plants have cleansing qualities; they clean the air around the home
  4. They help prevent allergies
  5. Plants combat cigarette smoke
  6. Plants absorb the background noises in the house
  7. Plants ensure a good night's sleep
  8. Plants can help lighten your mood
  9. Plants reduce the risk of headaches
  10. They help focus and concentrate


Now that we know which plant is good for home, we can only conclude that growing plants and planting trees is a blessing; what better way to bless our houses with what they deserve? Knowing that some trees and plants cannot be grown inside buildings because of their connections to esoteric, non-scientific elements is crucial.

One of the finest suggestions is to sow additional seeds. These lovely creatures have a lot of positive health effects and can bring love and harmony into your home. You can raise the good vibes around you and your home by directing them in the proper direction or giving them out as presents. You sow hope when you plant a seed. Hope for a tranquil, green environment. The plants you grow in your home might also benefit from the Vastu Shastra science. According to holistic life coach and executive director of Enlightening Lifestyle, plants are crucial because they stimulate our surroundings. Plants kept indoors improve the aesthetic appeal of the home. "Plants are not just beautiful to look at; they induce calmness, serenity, and well-being in a setting."


Not possible. Plants, algae, and fungi are essential to life as we know it, and they serve as the primary source of food, clothing, shelter, and medicine for the whole seven billion-person human race.
Anthurium, ZZ Plant, Peace Lily, Snake Plant, and Pothos are a few of the best plants for living rooms.
The Jade plant, with its small rounded leaf, is known to be the luckiest plant.
Aloe vera Plant and Pothos Plant are some plants that emit a good amount of oxygen.