How to Buy a Property at Auction?

How to Buy a Property at Auction?
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 18-Nov-2022 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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Everyone loves to bargain, and sometimes bargaining may be just a waste of money. And if you're considering buying a house at auction, it's essential to know the difference and how it works.

Attending an auction is a very smart way to gain knowledge about bidding. It's a transparent way to get the property as it occurs in an open place.

The more you will attend the bidding auction, the higher the possibility of winning. It's about practising more and gathering experience. Nevertheless, if this is the day you are going to buy, not practice, then it is better to take help from a local buyer. Otherwise, take help from any auction property companies. Auction property is a challenging task. Sometimes people get over-excited and bid in the wrong way. That can make you a loser. So, let's learn about how to buy a property at auction.

Why are Some Houses Sold at Auction?

Most people are somewhat familiar with the traditional way to buy a house, even if they don't know the details procedure. If there is a Sale sign and a phone number is available, you visit the house and decide whether to buy or not. Auctions are also one of the ways to sell a home. Auctions are done in two cases:

  1. Foreclosure
  2. Property Tax Default


If a mortgage lender seizes a property when a borrower fails to make mortgage payments for a set period, it will be sold at auction. Before the start of the foreclosure process, the loan must be at least 120 days delinquent.

Property Tax Default

If the owner fails to pay the house's property taxes, it may go for auction, and the tax authorities may seize the property in such cases. The tax liens against the house might be resolved one of two ways. In the tax lien sale, the liens are auctioned off to bidders, and the highest bidder will collect the liens from the homeowner.

What is the Cost of buying a House at Auction?

To buy a house at auction costs:

  • An administration fee
  • Payment of your solicitor or conveyance
  • Stamp duty
  • After signing the contract, the responsibility of insuring the property is yours

How Do Auctions Work?

With property auctions, it is easier to get property now. Most people like to sell their property in an auction. The auction process is highly preferred and referable by the entire country. It is the quickest way to get any property from your favourite place choice here. Many people want the property, but few sites provide incorrect information. That makes people confused and worried about their future and planning. The more experienced site you will find, the more chances you will have the lands.

The future property auctions are bright over here, and we know the fight for the bright business as the business fields are very much competitive, so there are many chances to gain profits from the business that you want to make profits. However, people now know that they will undoubtedly get profit from this trek. There are many property auction companies now here. Among them, it is the buyers' responsibility to ensure they are not dealing with fraud. Before you bid, you must understand the rules of the specific auction you're interested in.

Precautions You Need to Take Before Buying an Auctioned Property

Outstanding Municipal Tax and Society Dues

The homeowner must have defaulted in paying local taxes and society charges as the properties are sold under 'as it is where it is basis. So the prospective buyer must discharge such outstanding dues. If you bid on the property without knowing the liability, it may enhance your cost.

Legal Due Diligence

If a bank auctions the property, then the legal titles are not with the bank, and the bank will also not be responsible for the title as it does not become the property owner. So while buying the property in the auction, one should get the ownership of the title to the property duly investigated by a lawyer. It may help to increase your cost.

Arrangement of Funds

The payment schedule is generally decided based on the mutual discussion if you go for an under-construction property or a ready flat. If your bid for the property is successful in the auction, you must pay the balance quickly. So plan your funding well in advance.

TDS on Purchase Consideration

According to income tax laws, the home buyer has to deduct 1% tax from the purchase consideration if the property's value exceeds Rs 50 lakhs.

TDS must be deducted and credited to the original owner's account even if you buy the property from the bank. To credit the TDS to PAN, you must obtain the PAN details/copy of the property's original owner. If you do not get the PAN details of the owner, you will have to deduct the tax at 20% instead of 1%.

How to Find an Auction?

Auctions keep happening now and then in many different places, and they generally cater to property professionals rather than the public. Our telephone directory, yellow pages, and online search are good places to start searching regarding the auctions, and the most convenient and easy way to find it is through the internet.

Other necessary means of getting information regarding property auctions have an eye for sale signs and boards outside your house on the roads. Where the board says "property for sale by auction", contact the telephone number provided. You will be directed to an estate agent on behalf of the auction house, or you might speak directly to the auction house. If you get through to an estate agent, ask them for the contact details of the auction house and try to have direct dealings with them, these estate agents may be quite reluctant to give you the details, but you have to be relentless and get it somehow.

Once you can speak directly to the auction house, ask them to include you in their contact list so that you will be notified each time an auction takes place, which will help you get details about every property that comes in for an auction.

What to Do at the Auction?

Be Punctual

Try to arrive at the auction well before the starting time. Any additional information or changes to a property will be available before the auction starts. You should be aware of any alterations that could affect your buying decision.

Your Bids Must Be Clear and Concise

Make sure your bids are clear. The auctioneer may easily identify you as some auction houses will give you a paddle. Try to remain calm within your set budget.

In Case of Unsold Property, You May Be Able to Buy it Privately

The property remains unsold; the auctioneer may have the right to sell it privately in the room immediately after the sale.

Before You Appear for the Auction

Having selected the property you will purchase, arranging finance is your first decision, and you must arrange cash well in advance to be safe and confident. Remember, once you win the bid, you are legally bound to purchase that particular property, so you should be able to pay within the number of days specified by them. So you have to be prepared to face the situation accordingly.

One more essential thing you have to bear is getting good exposure on auctions and making yourself well-versed in the nuances of auctions. Get ample experience by attending a few other auctions as a practice for the main one. If not, it might lead you to lose the property for the best bid, you should be quick and smart, and this can happen only if you are experienced and have 10 per cent of your inborn trait.


Now, after knowing how to buy a property at auction, we know that auctions can be a very simple yet fantastic way to buy property cheaply. Still, you must be confident about your ability to perform due diligence and stick to a plan. Do well with the right property auction with the right plan.


A property auction sale contract will contain some:

  • General and Extra Conditions of Sale
  • Special Conditions of Sale
  • Addendum
All types of properties can be sold through an auction.
No, it's not necessary, it's up to your wish.
Yes, you have the right to sell a property you live in.
Completion for auction usually takes 28 days.