Previously, there was only an offline mode of payment of stamp duty. E-stamping is changing the traditional issues related to stamp duty. Let's find out how.
You must pay stamp duty to complete the transaction for every purchase or selling of property. While earlier buyers made the payment when they physically attended the sub-registrar's office to register the property, now they can complete the main part of the process online— online stamping or electronic stamping.
The Government of India launched an e-stamping & fees facility in July 2013. The initiative aimed to minimise fraud and errors in the payment of stamp duty.
Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited, abbreviated as SHCIL, the Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA), has the authority to issue e-stamp certificates in India.
Authorised Collection Centers (ACCs) are designated intermediaries, regular banks or post offices responsible for issuing electronic paper stamps instead of the CRA. There are various ACCs from respective governments of states.
An e-stamp is an online method of paying non-judicial property stamp duty to the government. Online stamping has replaced traditional methods of paying stamp duty, including physical stamp paper and franking. At present several state governments have already adopted the online mechanism.
Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL), the Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA), is responsible for clipping e-stamp certificates in India. SHCIL appoints Authorized Collection Centers (ACCs), which act as intermediaries between the CRA and the stamp payer to issue e-stamp papers. However, there are several authorised ACC centres from respective state governments.
Buying, leasing or selling your property or creating deeds requires you to pay stamp duty to the states as land is a state subject in India. These payments to the government are made through the purchase of stamp paper of various denominations, as decided by the authorities. Once you make a payment, it is proof that the required fee has been paid to the government—also serving as a future reference for you.
Starting in July 2013, the Government of India introduced electronic stamping facilities to reduce cases of forgery and errors.
The Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) is the central agency of record (CRA) for all electronic stamps used in the country.
Be it user registration or administration, from e-stamp applications to maintaining these records, SHCIL is empowered to do it all. It also has authorised collection centres—ACCs (scheduled banks), issuing certificates to those who request them.
Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd (SHCIL), India's leading depository, was incorporated as a public limited company in 1986.
SHCIL, a subsidiary of IFCI Limited, which held a 52.86% stake in the company as of March 31, 2019, is jointly supported and owned by all Indian banks and financial institutions, including IFCI Ltd, LIC, SU-UTI, GIC, and NIA. , NIC, UIC and TOICL.
SHCIL is the "pioneer of Demat services in India" and e-stamping services that have made payments to the government seamless. It also acts as the central agency of record for electronic stamping.
SHCIL's clients comprise UTI, LIC, GIC, IDBI MF, LIC MF, GIC MF, SBI MF, Shriram MF, Oriental Insurance, National Insurance, New India Assurance, United Insurance and Sundaram MF.
Among the early entrants to depository services, SHCIL has a client base of over 6,50,000 accounts in this segment.
SHCIL is the solely Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) appointed by the Government of India. The central registration agency is responsible for user registration, backup management and the overall e-stamping & fees application operation and maintenance.
Using SHCIL's e-stamping services, citizens can pay stamp duty online and print e-stamp certificates from the comfort of their homes. SHCIL also appoints Authorized Collection Centers (ACCs) to issue client certificates at their counters.
Authorised Collection Centers (ACCs) serve as agents appointed by SHCIL. ACC act as an intermediary between SHCIL and the e-stamping & fees payer. Post Offices and Banks can become ACCs in India.
SHCIL has been designated a Central Registration Agency by the Ministry of Finance and provides electronic stamping (e-stamping) services to 22 states.
Note that e-stamping is a computer application and a secure electronic way of stamping documents. A system of e-stamps is replacing the system of physical stamp papers and franking.
States where e-stamping services can be availed through the SHCIL portal include Delhi, Karnataka, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Puducherry, Jammu and Kashmir, and Andaman and the Nicobar Islands.
Litigants and advocates can pay e-stamping & fees online and print the e-court fee receipt from the comfort of their homes in Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh Ladakh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
The client can pay the stamp duty amount through the following modes:
Step 1: Visit the official website of SHCIL. Click on "products and services", select "e-stamp services", and finally, "e-stamping".
If your state allows e-stamping & fees, it will be displayed on the website. Currently, an online e-stamp certificate generator tool is available for NCT of Delhi, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha, Tripura, Ladakh, Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Puducherry and Andaman and the Nicobar Islands.
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, SHCIL has reinforced that citizens should use it wherever the facility is available.
Step 2: Select your state from the drop-down list given states. In the example, we have selected the NCT of Delhi.
Step 3: You will need to fill out an application. On the home page, go to the "Downloads" tab and select the application you need.
Let us assume that the relevant application is one where the stamp duty payment is less than Rs. 501. Just download the form and fill it out carefully.
Step 4: You will have to submit the form along with the payment for the stamp confirmation.
List of states with electronic stamping facilities
Stamp duties are a one-time upfront commission paid to financial services licensees for their role in raising capital associated with initial public offerings.
The public consultation will enable the Government to make an informed decision on whether to retain, remove or modify the stamp duty exemption.
You can pay stamp duty by cash, cheque, draft, money order, RTGS, NEFT, or account-to-account transfer. You can pay in cash or use a check or DD at ACC.
Step 1: New SHCIL users can proceed by clicking on 'Register Now.
Step 2: Fill in the required information. Choose a user ID, password and security question and fill in your bank account details.
Step 3: After confirmation with the activation link (sent to your registered email address), you can access the services through your User ID and Password.
Step 4: Log in to the online module using your activated user ID and password.
Step 5: Select a state from the drop-down menu. Then select "Nearest SHCIL Branch" and enter the mandatory details like First Party Name, Second Party Name, Article Number, Stamp Duty Paid and Stamp Duty Amount to generate an online confirmation reference number of any amount for payment through Net Banking /Debit Card /NEFT/RTGS/FT.
Step 6: Citizens must have the online confirmation reference number printed and visit the nearest Stock Holding branch to print the final copy of the e-stamping & fees certificate.
On the home page, you will find an option called 'Verify Electronic Stamp'. Click on it to continue. Simply enter the State, Certificate Number, Stamp Type, Issue Date and Session ID and click 'Verify'.
To buy, sell, deed or even rent your property, you need to pay stamp duty on the property to the central or state authorities. Electronic stamping, also known as e-stamp or e-stamping 5, is a way to pay government out-of-court stamp duty electronically.
Previously, stamp duty for property registration had to be paid physically by visiting the sub-register. With the paper-based e-stamp process, most of the process can now be done online.
E-stamping & fees is a process where stamp duty is paid electronically to the government. The government has replaced the traditional and Franklin method of stamping on paper with a digital strategy to ensure a fast and hassle-free payment process.
Presently, this service is extended in 22 states of India, and Maharastra is one of them.
The following payment methods can get used to pay for e-stamps: