Home Loan Tips Everyone Must Know

Home Loan Tips Everyone Must Know
Author: Houssed | Posted on: 07-Sep-2022 | Updated on: 13-Feb-2025
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Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever-increasing its worth. It is the most reliable security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the foundation of all security and the only indestructible security. – Russell Sage

Property is an asset, it is the most significant investment, and such an investment is always going to have the highest possible return. Purchasing a property is a meaningful decision in any homebuyer's life, from doing all the financial budgeting, deciding on the differences between needs and necessities, and then considering whether or not the property is worth spending.

Well, in the early days, people used to work all their life, save their hard-earned money, invest, and buy a house to spend their retirement age at ease. But today, the times have changed; the younger generation first invests and then pays it off with time. One way of doing this with property is through home loans. Taking home loans will help people buy their required property at first and then pay off the money in future years, sooner or later making them the property owner.

Owning a home is a keystone of wealth, both financial affluence and emotional security. – Suze Orman

Here we have a few home loan tips for the generations to make their work easy.

Home loan tips before opting for home loan

Start by saving up money for a down payment:

When a homebuyer opts for a home loan, he gives a considerable sum as a down payment. Depending on the loan the homebuyer and the lender choose, the down payment may range from 2.25% to 20% of the home's purchase price. Home loans will be awarded to the homebuyer only when their bank account has sufficient balance to balance out the loan.

Planning your finances is essential when you're trying to buy a house. Having money transferred from your bank account or salary regularly to a savings account is a terrific method to save money each month. By doing this, you will not get tempted to spend any money you have set away for your down payment.

Keep a check on your credit score:

This home loan tip is about credit score or CIBIL score, which is one thing every person should try to maintain to have a credible reputation. Maintenance of a good credit score creates the credit profile of the homebuyer, thus checking his risk managing power and increasing the chances of home loans getting sanctioned. Those with high credit ratings get the best offers on mortgages. A high credit score assures the lender that you are a trustworthy borrower because your past financial behaviour points to your responsibility.

Research and compare loan options:

The Internet is the best friend of all research in the present day, making comparing options easier. One of the main aims that the homebuyer should have is to research all the available options and choose the best that suits the finances and is profitable too.

There are three critical components of a loan: down payment, EMIs, and payback term, which a homebuyer must include in his research.

Before submitting your home loan application, research these three elements to help you choose a suitable mortgage from a top lender with competitive interest rates. Loans with the same interest rates are not equal, so beware. Other elements may contribute to the cost of a loan differing from another—For instance, the points, charges, etc. You need to know all the aspects of calculating the loan's cost.

Use a loan calculator for loan calculation and get pre-qualified:

Calculating your affordability with a loan calculator can be quite helpful. These straightforward house loan EMI calculators are present online, and it displays the various possibilities and your monthly payment amounts (with different home prices, interest rates, down payments, etc.). Potential borrowers can use them to determine how much debt is appropriate given their income. By using such apps/websites, you can identify and get yourself prepared for what's coming in the future.

Pre-qualification is a sensible approach to determining your financial situation, including how much you can borrow and the price range of homes you should consider. Only primary financial data, such as your income and savings, will be required.

Choose a suitable EMI option and select repayment tenure:

The next home loan tip is selecting an EMI option that best suits your pocket. Never overburden yourself with finances; it will create nothing but pressure and stress. You determine the equal monthly instalment amount. Banks provide different EMI options to accommodate and meet the borrowers' various needs. The amount of the down payment you make when buying a house impacts EMIs. The burden of making EMI payments decreases as the down payment amount increases. Additionally, it is best to ensure that the EMI amount you choose does not exceed 45% of your gross income.

Your repayment tenure is the amount of time you need to repay the approved loan. Your EMIs and repayment tenure are interrelated. While choosing a longer tenure may result in lower EMI payments, it also negatively affects the chargeable interest rate, forcing you to double or triple the loan amount to pay the high-interest rate. If you set a tight budget and have a secure to rising source of income, it is best to select a short payback period with higher EMIs. Such periods of home loans have significantly reduced interest rates to encourage earlier payback. This home loan tip helps you with all financial planning.

Know all foreclosure norms:

You may benefit from closely checking how the RBI norms are changing on many levels. You avoid further costs by paying the balance due earlier than agreed upon by foreclosing on your mortgage. Your credit score rises faster when your loan gets repaid. This home loan tip is essential to stay away from fraud.

Recently, the RBI outlawed foreclosure fines. Knowing this is crucial to avoid paying more when you foreclose your loan.

Check on the additional charges:

This home loan tip helps you prepare to face all the extra money you must pay. Other administrative, processing or service fees that banks impose on borrowers at the time of loan application may exist in addition to the EMIs. Make sure you review these with the lender before applying for a loan. Check to see if these are monthly fees or one-time payments; if they are the latter, your monthly budget needs to be adjusted to account for them alongside your EMIs.

Read all documents carefully:

The last home loan tip is one tip everyone should follow, regardless of whether it is a home loan or not. Before signing the loan agreement, ensure you have read and comprehended all of its provisions. Consider all the terms and conditions. To completely understand the loan application, thoroughly read the agreement documentation. Banks also offer assistance with loans and request that you read the required documents before signing the loan papers to ensure your happiness and long-term mutual trust.


Most people are afraid of term loans. They think some fraud will happen to them; they will either be burdened or have to pay more than what they asked for. It is an apparent misconception in the head. Home loans are a great way of expanding your investment if your pocket allows it. It would be best if you considered researching and looking over home loan tips before considering a home loan.

A home loan is crucial in enabling you to obtain your ideal residence. As a result, banks provide a variety of home loans at meagre rates. Banks assist in turning your desire to own home into a reality by offering convenient monthly payments and the ability to select the repayment tenure as per your comfort.

However, read these crucial recommendations before starting the house loan application process, as they might make the procedure easier and make loan payments simpler. Finding the ideal house and the ideal mortgage are both crucial. The house loan you select will be a long-term commitment, so read the above-stated home loan tips to find the one that is ideal for you.

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You should be able to pay the fixed monthly EMIs and comfortably adjust them to fit within your standard of living. Therefore, while buying a home you like in a location you love is always an option, being able to afford the mortgage is also crucial.
The principal, or the total loan amount, is used to calculate the interest rate for loans. The interest rate represents the cost of debt for the borrower and the rate of return for the lender.
The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) is the full form of CIBIL. It is the most prevalent of the four credit information companies licensed by the Reserve Bank of India.
As there is no rule prohibiting you from servicing more than one home loan at a time, you are free to have as many home loans as you need in India. You can apply for five different house loans from 5 different lenders.